Paris Trip 2013

Day 1


On the first day in Paris, we went to the Louvre. It was a rather Inspirational visit as the place was full of art from the past and It was really interesting to see how art used to be in comparison to the more modern art of today.


I found that the building itself was rather interesting, as it was a combination of both old and modern building styles. This gave the whole Louvre a rather interesting feel as although the buildings matched the idea that the past is frozen within the area, while the rest of the world advances.


I found the paintings there to be rather interesting, as they came from different time periods, almost capturing them in a freeze frame, immortalising them in the form of the painting. Although Photography wasn't allowed in all areas of the Louvre, I took pictures of some of the more inspirational pieces I had found.


I found that the sculptures in the Louvre all followed the idea of basing them on humans (with a few exceptions). This made them all somewhat repetitive, however they were still rather interesting as they all were made in the past by hammer and chisel, which again added to the idea of them being trapped in the past.

Overall I found the Louvre to be a rather interesting experience, however I found that some of the pieces there, where not quite as amazing as they were said to be.

Day 2

Pompidou Centre

The Pompidou Centre, finished construction in 1977, contains the largest Modern Art museum in Europe, know as Musée National d'Art Moderne.


I found that the actual Pompidou Building itself was rather inspirational. It looked like it was built by layers. What I really like, was the escalator/ stairs which were at the front of the building. They ascended the building and made the building look rather high tech.

Modern Art

I found that there were lots of Interesting pieces found within the Pompidou centre. There were some I found were very basic and I didn't understand them, however there were some that really caught my attention.

Stravinsky Foundation

The Stravinsky Foundation was the collection of Stravinsky's work. It seemed that the themes of his work mainly included native tribes, and wild animals (mainly those of the savannah). 

His work was interesting as it had a reccuring theme throughout it, however some of his work was quite repetitive so it wasn't one of my favourite photograph galleries.

Day 3

Musee d'Orsay

The Musee d'Orsay was rather interesting. The building itself was originally an old rail way station, until it was converted into a museum, containing several forms of art including: Paintings, sculptures and even furniture. I found the art itself to be quite similar to that of the Louvre.

Musee Rodin

I found that this place was rather interesting as the entire museum was made around Rodins Home. Rodin was a sculpture responsible for creating such famous pieces, like the Thinker. The garden was the most inspirational part as it was full of both nature, and the sculptures.

Day 4


The catacombs were originally a quarry used in Paris. When people fell ill due to diseases related to the over crowding of Cemeterys, the Paris government decided to convert the abandoned mine into a grave. They began digging up graves and storing all the bones down in the mines, prevented the continuation of the diseases, but desecrating the graves of the dead. While I was down there it felt very ominous as we were surrounding by bones and skulls, with the occasion cross monument placed.

Bresson Foundation

The Bresson foundation, was full of work by Henri Cartier-Bresson, and other various artists/photographers which followed his example of work. I found it rather interesting as the same technique was passed down the generations which made the work alter, yet keep recurring themes and ideals.

Cemitiere Montparnasse

The Cemitiere Montparnasse is a cemetery that is open to the public. The graves there all looked like sculptures showing that the people buried there must have each done something special to earn their place there. I found this quite the contrast the catacombs as that is were the dead were dumped, rather than being 'laid to rest'. The graves were rater inspiring as they all seemed so carefully made and positioned.

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