MS Artist Research - Edward Burtynsky


Born: 22nd February 1955

Nationality: Canadian

Occupation: Photographer, Artist

Burtynsky is most known for his large-format photographs of industrial landscapes. His work is housed in more than 50 museums including the Guggenheim Museum, the National Gallery of Canada, and the Bibliotheqe Nationale in Paris.

Burtynsky's usual work involves showing how the industrialisation of the world is destroying the environment, thus depicting the effect that man has on nature and the natural world.


Burtynsky's early work involved the use of a large format field camera and the use of a 4x5 inch sheet film, developed into high resolution, large dimension prints. He used this technique up to 2007, where he then found a new technique of using a high resolution digital camera.

Examples of his Work

Uranium Trailings #12
I find this photograph rather interesting as it shows a rather grim look on Canada, a place normally known for its natural beauty. Its shown as ravaged and lifeless, and I feel it really gets his message across. This seems rather sublime as it doesn't seem quite real, however its almost trying to scare people as it shows just how mans everyday life, could create something like this.

SOCAR Oil Fields #1 Lab
This photograph has rather strong meaning behind it. Oil used for cars, a mundane part of everyday life. This shows how the oil is gathered and it seems like quite an ugly sight. It really shows Burtynsky's message and lets you see how unreal the effects of man can be.

My Overall Impression of his Work

Overall I rather like his work, although some I find rather dull. His work seems very personal to himself, I feel that with each photograph he is edging his way to making his point clear to the world. His work linked rather well to the idea of 'Mundane and Sublime' as it shows what the effects of mans 'Mundane' life has on nature creating a rather sublime appearance.

My Own Work

This is a piece I made based around Edward Burtnsky's photography style.

This was the photograph I took in the style of Burtnsky. I went down to a local woods I knew and found a dell/natural forming crater. Humanity had took advantage of the free space and dumped various junk down there, they also had cemented over trees to prevent them from growing properly. Although my piece is not quite as dramatic as Burtnsky's I still think that this piece works well with his message as the area looks rather desolate and ruined, compared to natures old natural beauty.

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